The first one, taken from Jessica Simpson, says,
'Every man should know that I am not another notch in the belt, that's for sure.'
Sure, sure. If the opposite of what she said was true, there would be one more notch on the belt of many, many people.
The second one was said by movie director T. Rajeevnath, on wanting to cast Paris Hilton in a film as a certain influential figure in world history.
'Her features resemble Mother Teresa'
Tee hee. Paris Hilton as Mother Teresa. Big mistake sir. She probably will manage to make Mother Teresa look slutty somehow. Imagine the famous missionary wearing nothing but last week's hanky which you blew your nose on. God must'nt be happy at this. Stay tuned for news of movie director T. Rajeevnath getting struck by lightning one day.

Compare this...

With this...
Yeah I know, they do look alike a bit eh?
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