Your Brain Usage Profile:
Auditory : 38%
Visual : 61%
Left : 38%
Right : 61%
Amil, you possess an interesting balance of hemispheric and sensory characteristics, with a slight right-brain dominance and a slight preference for visual processing.
Since neither of these is completely centered, you lack the indecision and second-guessing associated with other patterns. You have a distinct preference for creativity and intuition with seemingly sufficient verbal skills to be able to translate in any meaningful way to yourself and others.
You tend to see things in "wholes" without surrendering the ability to attend to details. You can give them sufficient notice to be able to utitlize and incorporate them as part of an overall pattern.
In the same way, while you are active and process information simultaneously, you demonstrate a capacity for sequencing as well as reflection which allows for some "inner dialogue."
All in all, you are likely to be quite content with yourself and your style although at times it will not necessarily be appreciated by others. You have sufficient confidence to not second-guess yourself, but rather to use your critical faculties in a way that enhances, rather than limits, your creativity.
You can learn in either mode although far more efficiently within the visual mode. It is likely that in listening to conversations or lecture materials you simultaneously translate into pictures which enhance and elaborate on the meaning.
It is most likely that you will gravitate towards those endeavors which are predominantly visual but include some logic or structuring. You may either work particularly hard at cultivating your auditory skills or risk "missing out" on being able to efficiently process what you learn. Your own intuitive skills will at times interfere with your capacity to listen to others, which is something else you may need to take into account.
Friday, April 28, 2006
It's nice to be Appreciated.
I stumbled upon a diary on the ground.
It's pages were open to the world.
Words poured out of them dreamy-like and surreal.
To the ears they were sweet as honey.
Years later I drove along an Aussie road.
With the gleaming stars all to my own.
But In the loneliness of the Aussie road,
I will remember the words that were sweeter than honey.
It's a fine thing to have the occasional encouraging word for the guy who has it tough most of the time.
'To be in love'
It's pages were open to the world.
Words poured out of them dreamy-like and surreal.
To the ears they were sweet as honey.
Years later I drove along an Aussie road.
With the gleaming stars all to my own.
But In the loneliness of the Aussie road,
I will remember the words that were sweeter than honey.
It's a fine thing to have the occasional encouraging word for the guy who has it tough most of the time.
'To be in love'
Should I be worried?
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Take the Dante's" Inferno Hell Test
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | High |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Moderate |
Level 2 (Lustful) | High |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | Low |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Low |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Very Low |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Very Low |
Level 7 (Violent) | Low |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | High |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Low |
Take the Dante's" Inferno Hell Test
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
The Poor Boy
Some guy killed himself today.
You'd think the reason was that he had a drug problem, or his girlfriend left him, or his goldfish died. Or something.
But nooooo...
His tool was too small.
His tool was too small.(repeated to emphasise point)
He was told by his doctor, and his parents, and his girlfriend, that he was A-OK. But he did'nt listen.
I think I could have saved him with a few words of wisdom. To prevent anymore suicides due to an extremely small, ahem, self-esteem, I will share it with the world. Be prepared now, to be blown away.
Quotable quote:
"'Tis not the size of the wand that counts. Nay, for it doth mean nothing. 'Tis the magic thats held within that carries the great bearing instead."
Namaste. Carpe diem.
You'd think the reason was that he had a drug problem, or his girlfriend left him, or his goldfish died. Or something.
But nooooo...
His tool was too small.
His tool was too small.(repeated to emphasise point)
He was told by his doctor, and his parents, and his girlfriend, that he was A-OK. But he did'nt listen.
I think I could have saved him with a few words of wisdom. To prevent anymore suicides due to an extremely small, ahem, self-esteem, I will share it with the world. Be prepared now, to be blown away.
Quotable quote:
"'Tis not the size of the wand that counts. Nay, for it doth mean nothing. 'Tis the magic thats held within that carries the great bearing instead."
Namaste. Carpe diem.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Me and my
Today the chapel speaker mentioned the phrase carpe diem. He said that it was'nt a good thing. Did'nt explain why. I dunno why, but alot of religous speakers(from different beliefs) say things without explaining them completely. Guess its up to one whether to believe or not.
I despise the type of friendship that exists in the real world today. Everywhere I go, I see the camaraderie that would drive people to sacrifice for one another, but on the silver screen. Take for example the trio of companions in Harry Potter. Then there's the Fellowship of the Ring, and the hilarious animals of Ice Age. The type where friends would go through thick and thin for each other are those who I yearn for.
Unfortunately, I have'nt found them yet, or they simply dont exist in this world. Maybe its human nature to backstab when the opportunity arises. Maybe its burned into our genes to think of ourselves first, all in the name of survival. Heh.
These days, friendship is all about dirty jokes and meaningless insults thrown at each other. There's never the kind encouragement that would come from a happy and platonic one. You never see a guy giving his friend a pat on his back for a job well done. It's always, 'Oh, but you screwed up here. You screwed up there too.' You also never hear a person consoling a crying buddy, who's just missed the passing grade by a mark. Instead there is laughing and cutting remarks. A lot of jokes have another person, with feelings, at the butt of it. I have been the object of some not-so-nice words before, and it's especially painful when it comes from a person you've known since you learned to talk.
But I still have a life ahead of me, maybe I will yet find a comrade who will help me through the sufferings of life. Carpe diem I guess.
I despise the type of friendship that exists in the real world today. Everywhere I go, I see the camaraderie that would drive people to sacrifice for one another, but on the silver screen. Take for example the trio of companions in Harry Potter. Then there's the Fellowship of the Ring, and the hilarious animals of Ice Age. The type where friends would go through thick and thin for each other are those who I yearn for.
Unfortunately, I have'nt found them yet, or they simply dont exist in this world. Maybe its human nature to backstab when the opportunity arises. Maybe its burned into our genes to think of ourselves first, all in the name of survival. Heh.
These days, friendship is all about dirty jokes and meaningless insults thrown at each other. There's never the kind encouragement that would come from a happy and platonic one. You never see a guy giving his friend a pat on his back for a job well done. It's always, 'Oh, but you screwed up here. You screwed up there too.' You also never hear a person consoling a crying buddy, who's just missed the passing grade by a mark. Instead there is laughing and cutting remarks. A lot of jokes have another person, with feelings, at the butt of it. I have been the object of some not-so-nice words before, and it's especially painful when it comes from a person you've known since you learned to talk.
But I still have a life ahead of me, maybe I will yet find a comrade who will help me through the sufferings of life. Carpe diem I guess.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
The Geniuses of the World Today...
I chuckled upon reading the quotes taken by Life! newspaper today. Here they are
The first one, taken from Jessica Simpson, says,
'Every man should know that I am not another notch in the belt, that's for sure.'
Sure, sure. If the opposite of what she said was true, there would be one more notch on the belt of many, many people.
The second one was said by movie director T. Rajeevnath, on wanting to cast Paris Hilton in a film as a certain influential figure in world history.
'Her features resemble Mother Teresa'
Tee hee. Paris Hilton as Mother Teresa. Big mistake sir. She probably will manage to make Mother Teresa look slutty somehow. Imagine the famous missionary wearing nothing but last week's hanky which you blew your nose on. God must'nt be happy at this. Stay tuned for news of movie director T. Rajeevnath getting struck by lightning one day.

Compare this...

With this...
Yeah I know, they do look alike a bit eh?
The first one, taken from Jessica Simpson, says,
'Every man should know that I am not another notch in the belt, that's for sure.'
Sure, sure. If the opposite of what she said was true, there would be one more notch on the belt of many, many people.
The second one was said by movie director T. Rajeevnath, on wanting to cast Paris Hilton in a film as a certain influential figure in world history.
'Her features resemble Mother Teresa'
Tee hee. Paris Hilton as Mother Teresa. Big mistake sir. She probably will manage to make Mother Teresa look slutty somehow. Imagine the famous missionary wearing nothing but last week's hanky which you blew your nose on. God must'nt be happy at this. Stay tuned for news of movie director T. Rajeevnath getting struck by lightning one day.

Compare this...

With this...
Yeah I know, they do look alike a bit eh?
Monday, April 10, 2006
I Feel Good
I helped someone today.
Gave him advice that he really appreciated. It made both our days.
I know that once this euphoria of doing something good for a change is gonna end sometime, and then im gonna realise that my deadline for the 700-word essay is tomorrow.
Note to self - All this literary cheemology will either help me grab, or deter, the chicks. Gotta find out which one.
Gave him advice that he really appreciated. It made both our days.
I know that once this euphoria of doing something good for a change is gonna end sometime, and then im gonna realise that my deadline for the 700-word essay is tomorrow.
Note to self - All this literary cheemology will either help me grab, or deter, the chicks. Gotta find out which one.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Love at First Sight, or all the Other Things People Call it
I said maybe,
You're gonna be the one that saves me.
And after all,
You're my wonderwall.
It's like someone punctured your stomach, and the acid is running through your veins, but oddly enough, it's kinda pleasurable. Exhilirating yet excruciating, the crush is.
They say that the first cut is the deepest. I believe that is because the first kiss is the most tender(no need to freak out daddy thats just a figure of speech, I didnt really kiss anyone).
It is hard to explain. You feel a strange burning sensation as the hormones kick into overdrive just as she walks round the corner. Sometimes it's so bad that nausea fills your already muddled brains. Unfortunately, that is'nt a good thing. You can't think normally. She smiles at you and your knees feel like the fondue you ate at Max Brenner's last night. 'Hi!' she chirps. It sounds like heaven to you.
You smile dumbly. You'd be happy just to stand there and listen to her voice. Without realising it, a sound, a whole octave lower than your usual register, escapes your mouth. 'Hullo,' you grunt. You wince inside.
Ten minutes later, the whole episode runs through your mind. You start to critisize everything you did and said. Dang, why did'nt I say that cool thing there. I could have told her that joke. Too bad, bubba, you managed to grunt was an intellectual 'hullo', which must have sounded like neanderthal fart at the time.
I digress. Just experience it for yourself. It's like drugs when you experience it, you feel so high your hair touches the floor of heaven. It's also like drugs after it's passed, your stomach threatens to empty that big mac onto your shoes, among other, more putrid things. I just realised that I've digressed again.
Oh my god, I've gone so far off my original intended topic imma have to make another post later.
She is electric.
Can I be electric too?
You're gonna be the one that saves me.
And after all,
You're my wonderwall.
It's like someone punctured your stomach, and the acid is running through your veins, but oddly enough, it's kinda pleasurable. Exhilirating yet excruciating, the crush is.
They say that the first cut is the deepest. I believe that is because the first kiss is the most tender(no need to freak out daddy thats just a figure of speech, I didnt really kiss anyone).
It is hard to explain. You feel a strange burning sensation as the hormones kick into overdrive just as she walks round the corner. Sometimes it's so bad that nausea fills your already muddled brains. Unfortunately, that is'nt a good thing. You can't think normally. She smiles at you and your knees feel like the fondue you ate at Max Brenner's last night. 'Hi!' she chirps. It sounds like heaven to you.
You smile dumbly. You'd be happy just to stand there and listen to her voice. Without realising it, a sound, a whole octave lower than your usual register, escapes your mouth. 'Hullo,' you grunt. You wince inside.
Ten minutes later, the whole episode runs through your mind. You start to critisize everything you did and said. Dang, why did'nt I say that cool thing there. I could have told her that joke. Too bad, bubba, you managed to grunt was an intellectual 'hullo', which must have sounded like neanderthal fart at the time.
I digress. Just experience it for yourself. It's like drugs when you experience it, you feel so high your hair touches the floor of heaven. It's also like drugs after it's passed, your stomach threatens to empty that big mac onto your shoes, among other, more putrid things. I just realised that I've digressed again.
Oh my god, I've gone so far off my original intended topic imma have to make another post later.
She is electric.
Can I be electric too?
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Deep in it Today, Literally and Metaphorically
I read in the blog of a friend of mine, on how he yearned for his younger days when he was carefree and happy. This was the iron that burned into my memory of something that happened earlier today.
It was raining cats and dogs today. One of my better friends and I got off at Kembangan station. His mom could'nt pick us up so we had to suffer some of the rain. The bus we usually waited for was late, so we decided to hail a cab. As we moved to the other end of the station where the taxi stand was, he noticed that the bus had arrived. Unfortunately it was on the other side of the road, 50 metres away. 'Oh shit.'
We sprinted across the road in the pouring rain, and nearly got killed on both sides by passing traffic :P. By the way, the sky juice was so heavy that you could barely see the HDB flats across the street. Slipped once on the way, but we managed to get on the bus. In the short few seconds spent in the rain, we were soaking wet. Anyway, we headed for the back seat, shivering and roaringly happy.
Ironically it's the young people who want to grow up as quick as they can, while the oldies want to go back to their childhood.
Me, I'm gonna take my time to smell the roses along the way.
It was raining cats and dogs today. One of my better friends and I got off at Kembangan station. His mom could'nt pick us up so we had to suffer some of the rain. The bus we usually waited for was late, so we decided to hail a cab. As we moved to the other end of the station where the taxi stand was, he noticed that the bus had arrived. Unfortunately it was on the other side of the road, 50 metres away. 'Oh shit.'
We sprinted across the road in the pouring rain, and nearly got killed on both sides by passing traffic :P. By the way, the sky juice was so heavy that you could barely see the HDB flats across the street. Slipped once on the way, but we managed to get on the bus. In the short few seconds spent in the rain, we were soaking wet. Anyway, we headed for the back seat, shivering and roaringly happy.
Ironically it's the young people who want to grow up as quick as they can, while the oldies want to go back to their childhood.
Me, I'm gonna take my time to smell the roses along the way.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Taking the Plunge
I dunno why the hell I'm so worried about this. Guess I'm just wierd that way.
I feel like I'm about to go on a long journey, with many perils, and monsters which will try to eat my brains. It must be because I'm doing this for a girl whom I like(I think).
I'm gonna sign up for friendster.
Pray for me, my friends.
I feel like I'm about to go on a long journey, with many perils, and monsters which will try to eat my brains. It must be because I'm doing this for a girl whom I like(I think).
I'm gonna sign up for friendster.
Pray for me, my friends.
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