Thursday, February 08, 2007

Midnight Snack

I shamble to the fridge because my stomach overpowered the urge to sleep. Entering the kitchen, there is a pair of glowing disembodied eyes staring straight at me.

'Hey look, there's a pair of glowing disembodied eyes staring straight at me,' my good-as-drugged brain goes.

Then I realise there shouldn't be glowing eyes in my house, let alone without a visible torso, or at least a thorax/abdomen. The pulse skyrockets. I scramble to the light switch. Of course, the flouroscent bulb has to take 10 seconds to turn on, after flickering for a few no less. All the while I'm locked in a staring competition.

It's a cat. Black as the midnight sky. Eyes jade-green and luminous.

It bolts and squeezes through the gap in the window. I try follow but the magnificent creature's already melted into the twilight.

Of course it's a cat, what other organism seems to stare straight into your soul and burn the back of your skull when you make eye contact with it.

The light flickers again. It sorta stirs my mind, and I realise there's another answer to the rhetorical question.

Bright eyes,
Burning like fire...

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